Pigmy Pouter

Pigmy Pouter
Conservation Status Common
Country of origin England
US Breed Group Fancy
The pigmy pouter is a smaller version of the English Pouter hence the name "pigmy"
Pigeon (Columba livia)

The Pigmy Pouter is a breed of fancy pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding. Pigmy Pouters, along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons, are all descendants from the Rock Pigeon (Columba livia).[1]

Noted British poultry breeder Sir John Sebright (who later bred the Sebright Bantam) is believed to have first bred the Pigmy Pouter, though the issue is debatable. [2]

North American Reception

Although the pigmy pouter has been heralded as a bizarre creature and its popularity has not increased much from its introduction to North American society, it still has a decicated fanbase gathered together by groups such as the American Pigmy Pouter Club. This makes obtaining such a bird a difficult task in North America. However, dedicated breeders such as Tim Matlack, Kristina Pade, and Nathan Costa have been striving to increase the bird's popularity and make it the most prevalent show bird. [3]


  1. ^ Levi, Wendell (1977). The Pigeon. Sumter, S.C.: Levi Publishing Co, Inc. ISBN 0-85390-013-2. 
  2. ^ Holland, Bill. Golden and Silver Sebright Bantams. American Bantam Association: 1980. pp. 2-3
  3. ^ http://pigmypouter0.tripod.com/pigmypouter/index.html

See also